sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2008

Como usar os instrumentos de direitos humanos? Guias para empresas

Using Human Rights Tools

Following is a suggested roadmap for using a number of business and human rights tools and guidance materials:

1. You can start with "A Human Rights Framework" and consider using it as your overall guide to good management practices on human rights. For more detail and examples of company actions under each heading in the framework, refer to "Integrating Human Rights into Business Management" (BLIHR/UNGC/OHCHR), which is organized using the same headings.

2. To deepen your understanding of the first two principles and the concepts of sphere of influence and complicity, you can use the Global Compact e-learning tool (OHCHR/UNGC).

3. To help identify possible human rights concerns for your business, use the Danish Institute of Human Rights’ HRCA Quick Check (free of charge) or the longer Human Rights Compliance Assessment (there is a fee), and the Country Risk Assessments (the executive summaries are available free of charge – the complete version has a fee). Visit:

4. For information about what stakeholders and the media might be saying about your company's human rights performance, you can visit the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. Over 4000 companies are listed there.

5. For guidance on when and how to do a human rights impact assessment or for how to integrate human rights into other impact assessment methodology, you can use the “Guide to Human Rights Impact Assessment and Management” (IBLF/IFC/UNGC).

6. For sample human rights policy statements which may be helpful in drafting or revising your own, you can visit:

7. For guidance on reporting on human rights performance, the Global Compact's "Practical Guide on Communication on Progress" may be helpful.

For further information and to dowload these and other human rights-related tools, please visit:

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